Little Green House Teachers' Day 2021

Teachers’ Day Appreciation 2021

Wearing a cape and emulating the heroes we admire when we were younger is something most of us have done. But must superheroes be dressed in a fancy super suit to have superpowers? Not at all! From persuading your child to enjoy eating their least favourite food to guiding them in their 123s, your child’s teachers are the REAL HEROES!

Teachers play a big part in guiding our children’s learning and development. They nurture, inspire, care, and guide our children to achieve their growth milestones! 

With the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, our teachers have continued to find creative ways to engage our little ones while ensuring that safe management measures are adhered to. At every step of the way, Little Green House’s teachers have risen to the occasion and have done their very best to nurture our little ones!

To show appreciation and applaud our teachers for their dedication, we would like to invite you to share your words of encouragement! We welcome photographs and video snippets too!



Your words will mean the world to them!

To enter your messages, click the “+” icon on the bottom right hand side of the padlet screen.

We would appreciate if you could include:

  • your child’s name,
  • your name,
  • the name of the teacher(s) you would like to show appreciation to,
  • and the centre your child is currently in


Share how wonderful your children’s teachers are!


Made with Padlet

If you can’t seem to access the padlet on our webpage, click here for the direct link.



About Little Green House

A winner of the “Best Literacy Programme” from 2017 to 2020, alongside numerous SPARK (Singapore Preschool Accreditation Framework) accreditations, Little Green House is renowned for its ability to provide a wondrous environment for the development of children. Customising unique programmes for children ranging from ages of two months to six years, Little Greenhouse’s award winning formula combines a set of engaging activities with a rock-solid curriculum in order to give every child the quality education he or she deserves.


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