Little Green House Teachers' Day Appreciation 2020

Teachers’ Day Appreciation 2020

Teachers play a big part in guiding our children’s learning and development. They nurture, inspire, care, and guide our children to achieve their growth milestones! 

Little Green House teachers have had to cope with numerous challenges this year – from finding creative ways to engage our little ones during home-based learning, enduring the Covid-19 swab tests, to ensuring our children’s safety in school by implementing and enforcing safe management measures.

At every step of the way, our teachers have risen to the occasion, and have done their utmost best to ensure the well-being and safety of our children. To show appreciation to our teachers for their hard work, we would like to invite you to join us in this year’s…

Teachers’ Day Celebrations!


Together with your child, pen down some words of appreciation and share them with us! We welcome photographs and video snippets too!

Your words will mean the world to them!

With your submissions, Little Green House will be creating something special for our teachers! Be part of our celebrations by filling in the form on the right by 21 August 2020!

Share How Wonderful Your Children’s Teachers Are!

Thank you for your participation!

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